Monday, November 12, 2007


ok ...

it's all getting a bit crazy now, with 46 days to go until we are due to depart for dublin. all sorts of stuff going on. trying to arrange & do things; various things every day. and also trying to maintain some semblance of a 'regular' life at thie same time ... with varying degrees of success of different days.

just a random snapshot of some of the stuff we are doing and/or attempting to do:

get things fixed on car(s) as we prepare to sell one (or maybe both?) of them
laying pavers & a garden shed in our back yard
making arrangments to rent out our house (HOPEFULLY to someone we know??!?)
getting our piano moved to friends' house
transferring our CD collection to new ipod - >300 albums done so far (i do this at work)
packing up some stuff, throwing out or giving away other stuff
entertaining & playing with & seeing to our 2 young kids, including a 1-year-old girl who has got more teeth coming through
buying airline tickets, booking hotels & apartments in singapore & dublin
looking into pros & cons of travel insurance and/or health insurance while in ireland
stripping (pressure-washing) dirt & weathering off external walls of our timber (red cedar) house, then treating it with oil (using paint-brushes)
trying to fit in some work-related work in there somewhere
looking into how to deal with superannuation (pension) and long-service leave accumulations/benefits/entitlements
arranging to have excess baggage & stuff flown to dublin, and when (and where) to send it & working out exactly what to send
beginning to get up to speed with what my new work/project in dublin will involve
looking into possible suburbs to live in dublin & schools for our son
arranging (and trying to agree on details for) our going-away party
seeing, visitng and/or hosting visits from various friends/family before leaving
getting dental work done before leaving
did i mention the kids? and finishing up various work things on my current job?

anyhow, there are other things, but the above list gives u a little insight into what's going on with me lately & right now!

it is all quite nuts, but we are sure it will ultiamtely be worth it ;-D



Blogger Keshi said...

Change is imp...Im sure u'll love it and learn alot from this experience. ALL THE BEST mate!


November 12, 2007 9:58 PM  
Blogger Divian said...

I hate moving...but as you will be worth it! :)

November 13, 2007 8:23 PM  
Blogger lee said...

My goodness -I feel tired just reading that list of jobs. Glad you clarified that about the stripping ;).

November 14, 2007 5:24 PM  

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