confession time
i gotta come clean with u all
no point trying to hide it, no point tryin to live a lie any longer
time for me to spill the beans.
i’m back on the stuff!
after more than a year of having very little of it
not complete cold turkey – but close to it!
probably only about 20 times i did it last year
which is not many at all, relatively speaking.
but it all starred again for me a couple of months ago
“just a few times, for a few days” i told myself – yeah, right!
i should have known; since then, up until now, it’s been a 2-a-day habit.
sometimes more: last wednesday i’d had four by early afternoon (although that’s exceptional circumstances!). i look forward to it – i can barely keep myself from it. can’t wait to consume it, get it into my bloodstream. and if for some reason i go without, i miss it; crave it. i almost don’t quite fell right without it, although luckily it’s not quite at the stage of withdrawal symptoms yet – but i’m afraid it’s not far from that stage!
now i wonder how i got buy with so little of it for so long. i admire myself for having done so – but I wonder, and kinda doubt, if I could do that again?
at least i guess i should be thankful that i can still limit it to 2 per day, for the most part.
but surely my intake may increase before long?
the other worrying thing is this: no i’m taking it straight, without mixing it with anything. i used to wonder how people could do this – used to think it was hardcore. but now it’s my intake of choice; it almost seems silly to dilute it. and when I’m done with my second for the day, it’s always a let-down. seriously.
fuc#! what am I gonna do about this? i’d really welcome your suggestions, your support on this issue. don’t hold it against me or judge me, please; just offer your recommendations and support. i’m surely in the grip of this stuff right now – i think firstly i need to manage it, maybe try to cut it down to one per day; then hopefully cut it back further from there. but cold turkey? i just don’t think i can bring myself to do that now. i just don’t seem to have the required discipline …
the brown stuff – it’s seriously habit-forming! do yourself a favour; don’t get hooked