i've got no concrete idea
[could put a fullstop right here actually, but won't]
as to what to write about at present.
anybody know a good limerick?
the one about the old man from calcutta perhaps ...
a funny gag? there was an englishman, an irishman, and a scotsman ...
does anybody 'out there' ever feel like puking
if they brush their teeth soon after drinking a glass of orange juice?
or is this perhaps indicative of a stomach ulcer?
i hear there are some really putrid / bitter, yet effective, herbs prescribed by practitioners of chinese medicine, for treatment of such ulcers.
yes and do u realise
['that everyone u know ...']
that green tea & black tea are from the exact same plant; the key difference is how long each is roasted.
i haven't really got any further ideas at this juncture
well, at least none that i can be arsed to translate into type right now; so i think i'll leave it about there, for now
although i will add that i do wonder, not infrequently, as to whether or not i may tend to over-use semicolons; and on a related note, i do also wonder as to whether or ont i might, at least occasionally, use semicolons somewhat inappropriately.
certainly i think it is fair to say
that i generally prefer usage of the semicolon over the colon.
actually i've just recalled my discussion of sigmoid colons in my last post; but i assure u that my present discussion of these punctuation marks was not consciously intended to provide any form of link [tenuous or otherwise] to that post.
what i was going to say was that as a kid
i did favour semi-trailers over 'regular' trailers.
especially the ones that had those little compact bed/cabin things right behind the driver's seat.