hope you're havin fun
i'm gonna be offline for the next 10 days or so - goin on a beach holiday north of brisbane, and will be busy swimming, body-surfing, building sandacastles, chasin seagulls, relaxin, eatin, drinkin, havin siestas, and more & more of the same ... ;-D
so i hope to catch u in 2007 or should i say, 2550 ... that's right - i'm a buddhist [predominantly] and, according to theravada buddhism at least, next year is 2550! so i hope u all have a peaceful, mindful & happy 2550
anyhow, thanx for stopping by here; and in 2550 i hope to explore & describe, for anyone who may b interested, numerous topics & reflections ... including, from a personal perspective, how/why i:
- am seriously considering one or another type of career change, or going off on one or another unique tangent with my career
- appreciate buddhist philosophy
- would love to go to mozambique
- stopped smoking (quite a lot of) pot, several years ago
- make curry pastes and chicken satay with peanut sauce
- would sometimes like another kid, but at other times wouldn't
- have two, mostly distinct, groups/circles of friends
- enjoy playing & watching certain sports
- prefer body-surfing over surfing with a surfboard
- appreciate a broad spectrum of musics, from miles davis to KISS to the church to luzon
- am interested in sharing this stuff
- ~
so there u go - hope to catch u back here soon. cheers to those who have visited here to date especially those who have left comments, including: lee, dan, andy, keshi & awaiting ;-D
i'll leave it at that for now, and will just finally add a little sneak preview of some of what my family & i will be doing between now & when i am back online: