it's a funny term, is it not?
i was having an instant messenger chat last night with dan, the 2nd person [apart from myself] to post a comment on this site.
in said 'chat' i suggested that blog sounds like a term that might well be used to describe the contents that typically spill forth from one's sigmoid colon at about 9:41am on the day after a night of consuming about 8-10 pints of stout and perhaps a doner kebab.
is that onomatoepia, perhaps?
if we imagine for now [at least] that the latter is in fact the true entity to which the term 'bog' refers, then it is with some element of regret that i hereby inform my readers that it has been some considerable time [as i recall] since my own sigmoid colon issued a blog.
until the latter does next occur - and i have substantial confidence that it will, sooner or later [i am patient] - i/we shall instead have to make do with this inane variant of the blog, i suppose.
alternatively or additionally, readers can of course take measures themselves to ensure that their own sigmoid colons issue thier own respective blogs ... it's up to you; who am i to discrouage such undertakings?